• Dakarete Tamaruka!

    Dakarete Tamaruka!

    「こんなに濡れてるのに…本当に気持ちよくない?」上も下も溶けちゃうくらいトロトロにイジられて…これが「イク」って感覚なの――!? 完璧主義者の私、奏多こまりの天敵は、営業成績1位の同期・東町清瀬!そんな東町は私の気持ちを知ってか知らずか、つっかかってくる。そんな矢先、私のとある秘密が彼にバレてしまって…!? 「俺、奏多さんの困った顔見ると、自分が止められなくなるみたい」長い指でナカをかきまぜられると…もうダメぇ…! どれだけ優しく触れられても、あんたにだけは抱かれないんだから!! 読めない男×強がり女子のモダきゅんラブ♪

    Genre(s): Romance, Slice Of Life

    Updated Time: Jan 21, 2021

  • Idakarete Tamaru ka!

    Idakarete Tamaru ka!

    \"Do you really mean it? Are you saying you\'re not feeling good when you\'re so wet?\" He\'s playing with all my sensitive parts, making my whole body melt. Is this what \"cumming\" feels like...?! I, Komari Kanata, a perfectionist, have a natural enemy. He\'s my colleague who always ranks number one in sales, Kiyose Higashimachi. I don\'t know if he\'s aware of my opinion of him, but he always picks fights with me. One day, he finds out about a secret of mine...! \"I can\'t stop myself when I see your troubled face.\" When he strokes me inside with his long fingers... I can\'t! No matter how sweetly you touch me, you\'re the only one who I won\'t let embrace me! A story about the stormy and heart-fluttering relationship between an unreadable man and a bluffing girl.

    Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, Office workers

    Updated Time: Dec 08, 2022